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I Hear Music

Crazily perhaps (maybe almost certainly), I’m working on Fatman: The Musical. I’ve always had stringed instruments around, and so now am using them to get up a series of songs to accompany the Fatman story line. We’ll see how far Garage Band will take me on this. But to date, lots of laughs. Unfortunately, the… Read More »I Hear Music

Books and Boats

There are days when moving pixels around — that is to say writing — seems a little too abstract. The good news: my boat shop is just a couple blocks away. It’s a three or four minute bike ride to the land of lumber and sawdust. The physical world, beckoning. As you can see from… Read More »Books and Boats

Fame. Fortune.

Hmm. Somewhat unlikely. Then again, if you’re not doing this sort of thing because you love it, or simply can’t stop yourself, you’re a sap. I’ve had some luck in the publishing racket, having sold a couple books over the years. The money trickled in, more of a quiet stream than a torrent. The advance… Read More »Fame. Fortune.

A timely demise

Speaking of the physical object, the book or, in this case, the newspaper — I’m never far removed from strolling down memory lane. It wasn’t so long ago that I was editor of Greening Frogtown, a tabloid delivered door-to-door in St. Paul’s Frogtown neighborhood. Glamorous! An excellent opportunity to sell ads, take pictures, interview neighbors,… Read More »A timely demise

The physical book

People do go on about it. The feel of paper in your hands. The particular odor of an old book vs. a new book. The heft of the thing. So on and so forth. God bless those who feel that way. Somebody has got to keep the tree murder business going. I don’t much feel… Read More »The physical book

This new-fangled thing…

One of my pals from the olden days got in touch with me recently to ask, Hey, what about this e-pubishing thing? My initial thought was, hmm, tough luck, buddy. You’re asking me? Nonetheless, we’ll have lunch, I’ll yammer a bit, he’ll go away with some observations that might do him more good than my… Read More »This new-fangled thing…